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Activities > Experiments
Turin I.N.F.N. Experiments
AIRWATCH EUSO - Extreme Universe Space Observatory
ALICE A Large Ion Collider Experiment
ARGO-YBJ Air shower detector for Gamma Astronomy
AUGER Pierre Auger Observatory
BABAR B/B-bar system of mesons
CMS Compact Muon Solenoid
COMPASS COmmon Muon Proton Apparatus for Structure and Spectroscopy
CREAM Cosmic Ray Energetics And Mass experiment
E835 Experiment which continues the study of charmonium
DELPHI DEtector with Lepton, Photon and Hadron Identification
DISTO Inclusive production of polarized hyperons
DUB-TO Investigation of pion interactions with light nuclei
EAS-TOP Extensive air shower detector
E-BEAM Applicazioni industriali di acceleratori di elettroni
FINUDA FIsica NUcleare a DAfne
LVD Large Volume Detector
MONOLITH Massive Observatory for Neutrino Oscillations or LImits on THeir existence
NA48 CP Violation Experiment
NA50 Study of muon pairs and vectors mesons produced in high energy Pb-Pb interactions at SPS
NA60 Study of Prompt Dimuon and Charm Production with Proton and Heavy Ion Beams at the CERN SPS
TERA The hadrontherapy project